M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
Business Coaching

Did you know that your personal goals can influence your business decisions?
Ever thought about where you want to be in the future and what you need to do to get there?
Ever set yourself goals but not followed them through for various reasons?
Business Coaching is about helping you to clarify the vision of the business and how it fits with your personal goals. It helps you understand where you want to be and why. It will help you focus on what really matters and then put that into action over a series of simple steps. It also gives you the opportunity to discuss your business issues in confidence with someone who understands and can empathize with you. After each coaching session I will ensure you have clear actions to implement change in the business to ensure that you start to deliver your goals from day 1 of the coaching. I will also share practical tips and experiences to help you to see the wood from the trees.
In order to gain maximum benefit I recommend short sessions over a period of time allowing you to put in place actions before the next visit. Each coaching session is designed to provoke, challenge and inspire you and can be delivered on 1-2-1 basis or a group basis at your premises. I also provide telephone and e mail support to help you stay focused on your objectives and motivate you to achieve your goals.
If you prefer hands on help then I can help you too, I offer business consultancy on a project basis click here for more information.
For more information e mail contact@angelakimberley.co.uk or call Angela on 07814 883380.