
Qualify with a Business (QwaB).


Credit Works is working for the Skills Funding Agency on qualification approaches for Qualify with a Business (QwaB). Announced in the 2009 Skills Strategy White Paper - Skills for Growth the aim of the Qualify with a Business proposal is to enable adults in FE colleges to develop key business skills alongside their vocational training so that they are both qualified in a vocational area and ready to run a business with, for example, opportunities to meet small business owners and self employed individuals.

Credit Works will work with Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) and their awarding organisations to develop new full level 3 qualifications in the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) so that they integrate business start-up and enterprise, and can be funded by the Skills Funding Agency. These revised full level 3 qualifications will be available to QwaB pathfinder colleges for August 2010.

 If you are not a Pathfinder College and wish to become one, you can express an interest to your Regional Skills Lead. They will liaise with the Regional Development Agency. The RDA and Regional Skills Lead will work with you to scope the potential for QwaB in your locality and agree an action plan.


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